Home Crime Blankenship Jaywalks, Blames Wreck on MSHA, “Cocaine Mitch”

Blankenship Jaywalks, Blames Wreck on MSHA, “Cocaine Mitch”


A wreck occurred earlier today after a car swerved to miss a Jaywalking Don Blankenship. The wreck happened at the intersection of Capitol Street and Quarrier Street in downtown Charleston, WV. One man died in the accident.

Blankenship, when questioned, accused MSHA of not properly inspecting the intersection and that they should be blamed. He also blamed Joe Manchin for allowing the state work network for getting into this situation and “Cocaine” Mitch McConnell for an undisclosed reason.

Don Blankenship after being convicted for conspiring to violate federal mine safety standards

“They’ll call me reckless. They’ll say I caused all this, but if MSHA and Joe Manchin had done a better job, we wouldn’t be here today!” said Blankenship. “You’re telling me this intersection was inspected everyday but these issues were never addressed?!?!”
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“Swamp Captain Mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for China people.”, said the actual Don Blankenship on CNN.



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